There are less than six thousand doctors practising general psychiatry in the UK. A psychiatrist is a medically qualified practitioner who can prescribe medicine to treat mental health problems. Along with medical training and experience, a psychiatrist will also have specialist training in helping people with psychological problems.
Psychiatrists treat people suffering from mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, addiction and personality disorders. They can also offer help and guidance to help clients cope with bereavement, marital or family problems.
At The Chelsea Psychology Clinic all new clients receive a thorough initial assessment with our consultant psychiatrist, Dr Tom Pennybacker. Dr Pennybacker is a qualified doctor who has additional specialist training in psychotherapy. During an initial consultation he is able to assess the psychological and psychotherapeutic needs of each client and has the specialist knowledge to make a correct diagnosis and develop a treatment plan that meets the client’s individual needs. Dr Pennybacker will also match each client with the right psychologist who will then work with the individual to help them with their difficulties using the most appropriate therapeutic approach. Therapy sessions with a psychologist usually take place at the clinic once a week.
It is not uncommon for people with mental health problems to be reluctant to seek help. Many fear being stigmatised, are ashamed and embarrassed or simply mistrust the process. Psychiatrists do their best to build rapport and trust with their clients which is important to reach the correct diagnosis. At The Chelsea Psychology Clinic we offer a holistic, compassionate, tailor made approach to treating mental health problems. We can also offer therapy sessions over the phone or via Skype to lessen the anxiety that may arise from having treatment. This can be the first step towards having face to face therapy.
To book your appointment to consult with us call 020 3709 3805 or fill out our contact form.