Video Description
Elena Touroni, a private psychologist based in Chelsea, discusses whether there is a genetic predisposition to personality disorder, which manifests as a vulnerability to experiencing intense emotions. Chelsea Psychology Clinic are a group of London psychologists and psychiatrists offering private psychological therapy and psychiatry treatment from their premises across central London and Chelsea. The private therapy sessions cover the following areas: – Acceptance & Commitment Therapy – Cognitive Analytic Therapy – Cognitive-behavioural Therapy – Couples Therapy – Dialectical-behaviour Therapy – Mentalisation Based Treatment – Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy – Schema Therapy
Video Transcription
There is a genetic predisposition to personality disorder, so the genetic component tends to be something about an actual vulnerability to experiencing very intense emotional states. So people tend to have what we call a sort of very heightened emotional vulnerability, so they tend to react to difficult situations much more intensely than somebody else, and it tends to take them much longer to calm down or to return to baseline of sort of an emotional state in which the person feels calm.