From our experience with self-harm over many years, we understand it as being a coping strategy that develops when people experience difficulties in managing their emotions. People who self-harm often experience more intense emotions than others and usually haven’t learnt the skills of how to deal with those emotions.
While on the surface, some people may see self-harm as a cry for help or attention, we have found that it is seen as a coping strategy or solution from the point of view of the sufferer. In fact, because self-harm releases endorphins, it can even become addictive. We’ve also found that when adolescents use self-harm as a coping strategy, they receive the additional pay-off of feeling triumphant – that they’re so tough they can conquer great physical pain.
In the following article, we’re going to take you through our Chain Analysis Process, which helps us map out the situation at hand and how to resolve it.
Chain Analysis Process
When helping a person who engaged in self-harm, we always map out the cycle they are in. Very often, these people experience vulnerabilities that trigger certain emotions. In trying to resolve their problem, they get stuck in a cycle of being triggered by their vulnerabilities.
- Are there any vulnerability factors?
- What are the triggers that might lead someone to self-harm?
- What are the feelings this person has in the moment?
- What problem is this person trying to solve?
After we’ve mapped out answers to the questions above, we then look at what other skills or coping strategies can provide the same positive release that comes from self-harm, so the person can let go of the self-harm coping mechanism altogether.
We teach people the following skills that place them in a new cycle of self-learning and self-growth:
- distress tolerance skills
- emotional regulation skills
- mindfulness skills
- relationship building skills
- self-soothing skills
If you, or anyone you know, are suffering from self-harm and require support for the improvement of your mental health, then please do contact us for a confidential chat.