1 min
What’s the difference between ACT and CBT?
1 min
What is MBCT?
2 mins
How do I choose a therapist?
2 mins
I’m feeling very distressed – what can I do?
2 mins
What strategies can I use to deal with difficult emotions?
2 mins
I avoid difficult people and situations, how can therapy help?
1 min
What antidepressants are required?
1 min
When is psychiatric treatment most effective?
1 min
What are the different types of antidepressants?
1 min
What is CBT?
1 min
How will I know if CBT has been successful?
1 min
Dr Catherine Atnas Introduction
1 min
What is depression?
2 mins
What is depression?
1 min
What are the common causes of addiction?
1 min
What is substance misuse?
1 min
Why do people need antidepressants?
2 mins
How can CBT help me if I am depressed?
1 min
How safe are antidepressants?